
Although there are a number of rodent species in Australia (both introduced and native), there are only 3 species which represent a pest for homeowners (and commercial property owners).


House Mouse  

The smallest rodent pest species is the House Mouse (Mus musculus). The house mouse weighs only 15grams at adulthood with a body length of only 6-9 cm (not including the tail). In ideal conditions, this rodent species can reproduce at alarming rates, resulting in plague proportions. The droppings of the House mouse are rod shaped 3-6 mm in length. It is wise to engage the services of a competent pest control company to eradicate a mouse infestation, for reasons which will become clear at completion of this rodent page.


Roof Rat  

The most common rodent pest is the Roof Rat (Rattus rattus), sometimes also known as the 'Ship Rat' or 'Black Rat'. The roof rat weighs approximately 200grams at adulthood with a body length of 15-22cm and a tail length of about the same. The Roof Rat is an agile, active climber and often infest roof cavities.

They particularly like setting up nests in roof cavities with insulation, which they break up to form nesting materials for their off spring.This particular rodent species can cause major health problems due to diseases within their numerous droppings, (which are spindle shaped  up to 12mm in length). They can also cause fire hazards in roof voids as they continually gnaw on electrical wiring and electrical junction boxes. It is unwise to try and eradicate roof rats yourself. It is best and safest to be left to professionals.


Norway Rat

The third and largest rodent pest species is the Norway Rat (Rattus norvegicus), also known as the 'Common Rat', 'House Rat' or 'Sewer Rat'. The Norway Rat is a large robust rat weighing over 300grams at adulthood. The body length of this rat is up to 25cm with a tail about the same length. This particular rodent species is not very agile so, instead of infesting roof cavities, they normally infest garages, yards, sub-floor areas (underneath houses) and garbage areas. Their droppings resemble a capsule shape, appriximately 20mm in length. Again, controlling Norway Rat infestations should be left to professional pest technicians.


A professional will have access to the latest rodenticides such as Stratagem and Ditrac. He/she will also place bait safely inside lockable, tamper proof rodent bait stations so that non target animals, toddlers and pets cannot access the bait. Too many times, home owners have purchased a cheap rat bait from the local supermarket  and thrown it under the house or out in the yard. Many non target animals such as cats and dogs have  tragically died after consuming these baits. Of even greater concern is small children accessing these baits. On other ocassions, homeowners have suffered severe and life threatening injuries attempting to get the bait into roof voids. For the sake of under *$200, please engage our services to ensure total and safe rodent eradication.  

NOTE: We, at Central Pest Control will only use the latest rodenticides which ensure rodents search for water immediately after taking the bait (thus decreasing the chances of rodents dying inside wall and roof cavities within the home). The baits we use have no secondary poisoning characteristics. In other words, if a rodent died after consuming bait and a pet dog then ate the dead rat, there would be no passes on poisoning effects to the pet dog. (It pays to remember this when accepting a very cheap rodent treatment quote).

* relates to an average rodent infestation within a single storey 3 bedroom home, not including GST.    


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